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Ceiba Chodatii (Chorisia)

Profile: Manufacturer - Producer|Ref:PSL 355673YH | Country: France | Export: Yes


The Ceiba Chodatii are large trees that can reach a height of 70 metres, are found in tropical forests. Their thick trunk is usually equipped with wings, which act as buttresses. Their bark is grey and smooth.
The Crown is rounded umbrella and provides a desired shade. The young branches are equipped with spines.
The alternate leaves are compound-palmately, with eight whole leaflets.
Flowers, more or less large depending on the species (from 3 to 12 cm in diameter), are usually white or white-pink. They have five bundles of stamens fused tube at their bases.
The fruits are dehiscent capsules ellipsoid form up to 20 cm long, opens in five valves, and containing many dark seeds in the middle of an abundant down, composed of fibres called kapok. The seeds contain 25% oil, which is used as lamp oil.


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